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Abstracts for the 2024 Annual Congress of the Central European Diabetes Association (CEDA) must be submitted electronically through the Congress website, by the submission deadline of 30 April 2024, 23:59 CET.  

Each author can be the presenting author of one contribution only, which whould be no longer than 250 words. Tables or figures are not allowed in the submitted abstract. Please note that the presenting author will be the contact person for all the correspondence regarding the abstract, for its presentation at the congress as well as for its publication in the official congress webite. 

Abstracts will be evaluated anonymously by a referee committee who will select the scientific contributions to be added in the Congress Scientific Program.  All the abstracts received by the deadline of April 30th, 2024 have the chance to be included in the scientific program of the Congress as SHORT ORAL PRESENTATIONS.  

Presenting Authors will receive an official communication regarding the acceptance of their work and the type of presentation by May 15th, 2024. They will also receive detailed instructions how to prepare their presentation as well as the day and time of the scientific sessions in which their work is assigned. 

For any clarification needed, please contact the organizing secretary. 


 All the accepted abstracts will be published for free in the official CEDA journal “Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz”. Please refer to the Congress Secretariat for any additional information.


CEDA offers 30 Travel Grants of 500 euros to the best abstracts submitted by young European scientists, who are not older than 40 years and who are not eligible to other forms of support.
Upon confirmation of the Travel Grants, the receipients will have to declare that no other form of sponsorship is used to attend CEDA 2024 Congress. Prority will be given to applicants from lower-income countries.